domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

About the context

I feel so inspired right now. I've just arrived from Aupark where the film festival Horý a Mesto was taking place. In fact I was in the last session where 3 of the best documentaries throughout the festival were shown. The last of the three was this documentary about climate change, 'Chasing Ice', ending with this sweet song performed by Scarlett Johanson -I actually didn't recognise it was her until I saw her name writing in the title.

Anyway, the real character in this film is James Balog, the visionary photographer -with geology studies background- that decided to visually document the melting of the poles and also was recorded in this 3 years process in amazing landscapes and pretty scary conclusions. You can check the trailer just here.

Dasa, my menthor, was the person who told me about this film festival. She actually told me in Slovak in last week tandem conversation but I couldn't imagine how good this was until what I got there today. Now I think I should have tried harder when I tried to entered in another session the day before and they told me that tickets were sold out. I should have taken it as a hint about the quality of the festival but sometimes it's hard to notice. In any case, now I know what she meant when she tries hard every year to attend it and I feel sorry for her that she got me a ticket and at the end she couldn't manage to come because she got sick. I hope she's resting and recovering now, she's a pretty busy girl but sometimes is good to slow down.

Well, enough of film talking, just watch the trailer and please write if you don't feel an urge to watch the whole movie -I think that won't happen. So yes, besides of the festival it's been a mighty nice day. I'm really surprised that within a week I managed to passed from the thick coat I bought when I just arrived to a rather thin jacket and my second-hand poncho today. It was so warm, I love it! Feels like home.

And I spent my day with Toni, my friend from Liechsteinstein -altough I prefer to say just 'my friend from Vienna' that it's a little less tongue-twisting. I always like when people are visiting me over and I can use them as an excuse to go to Slovak Pub and have some halusky for lunch, hmmm. Then again what I enjoy the most about him is our neverending talks and today I particulary liked the siesta moment in Slavin monument, just laying in the grass with a very nice sun out.

One of today's conversations was about the context. I was explaining to him how I cold really use a change of attitude because of the context. I think there is someting I'm doing here that doesn't fit in the background. It's not Portugal, it's not Erasmus anymore, it's not Mediterranean feeling. This is Slovakia, I'm already in a job position (volunteering but it's work), and I really don't get yet the slavic context, tough I can pretty much sense that is quite more relaxed. So, I guess I also need to slow down in some sense. It's just a matter of adapting, just about the context. 'Adapt or die', rephrasing Darwin.

Nevertheless, day by day, continuing this adventure.

Warm hugs,
Alicia ide spat'

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